Testimonials for the Spread Trading Guide

Dear ‘Soon to Be’ Trader

My name is Brian Fielder. I publish a series of websites for people who want to learn to spread trade. But on this site we talk about the basics. Learn to spread trade using my free guide and you can be sure you’re off to a great start.

Why this book could be perfect for you – The easy way to learn spread trading and spread betting. Whether your a complete novice, or someone with limited knowledge, this is the learn spread trading training guide you’ve been waiting for.

Here’s why;

  • It begins with the assumption that you know very little about trading and nothing about the terminology youll need as you learn to trade tax free.
  • Every lesson, every step is in plain simple English. No technical jargon, just simple explanations, so you can ‘get it’ much quicker.
  • Every step is sequential, a true step by step guide for spread trade beginners.

We’ll show you how to read, understand and act on favorable market conditions, day after day.

  • You’ll learn the secret of thinking like a pro when faced with trading decisions.
  • You will feel totally confident as you take on the markets and win, time after time.

In this ‘quick start’ course you’ll discover the simplest way to target winners, ring fence losers, and manage your precious funds so your trading account stay healthy and you are always ready to catch the best movers.

Why I’m giving this learn spread trading guide at this nominal price…

  1. Simply to introduce to the best form of trading in the world today. Tax Free Spread Trading.
  2. You want to learn spread trading, this is my way of helping you do just that.

Once you understand trading, how great will it be to have every trading decision you make from now on backed up by professional traders?

That’s what we do….starting today.


Learn to Spread Trade Guide

Ready to get the book?


Testimonials on the ‘Spread Trading Guide’

I found the course very educational, informative and taught in a very pleasant and relaxing way. – Andrew Kellagher

Just wanted to say a few things about your course. From what I have read and seen so far your course is fantastic, there are many courses out there and I can’t say I’ve tried them all but yours is by far the cheapest and most informative I have seen. I think it is amazing that you trade yourself and find the time to mark and provide support – Andreas Georglou

The material, presentation, website and support are unequalled. Believe me when I say that because having looked at and bought about 10 courses, so I know what I speak! Wishing you continued success as a trader and teacher – Basil Croeser

I would like to take the opportunity to think you for providing in the type of depth training I need to enable me to trade with confidence. Since October 2010, using the knowledge gained from your course, my initial fund of 3000 GBP has increased to GBP12,000. The teaching methods you use are structured in such a way that even a novice can being to grasp the spread trading concept at an early stage – James, Algarve, Portugal

What I liked about the course is that it is so well laid out. Everything is clearly explained in plain English, which I think is important. So often, in courses like this, a lot of terminology is used that the average man in the street doesn’t understand, for it’s not clearly explained, if at all. I’m sure this is an attempt to impart some superior knowledge known only to the course organizer, which is designed to impress their studends. This is definitely not the case with your course where there is great emphasis that students understand everything – Mike Scott

Pete Ellis here. I have taken a week off work and seem to be (almost inadvertently) intraday trading. I appear to make about 200+ Euros a day, working 3/4 hours a day just doing the basics with trading ranges and an eye on the price of oil and which sectors are hot. There you have it, an unsolicited testiminial! Yours with gratitude – Peter Ellis

Great course. Lots of practical advice with being told when to trade and when to get out, by being able to read the market for yourself. – Jan Davies

I’m confident of your testimonial as well so please send it through after reading the guide.
